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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When I stepped outside this morning to wait with Sydnee for my mom to pick her up for preschool, I noticed the tree out in front of our house had turned completely red! It looked beautiful!, so of course I had to take a picture and post it. The leaves changing colors are my second favorite thing about fall, the first is of course halloween candy, especially clearance halloween candy after halloween is over. There's just something about snack size candy bars and treats that make them more fun and taste better than the big ones!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My super talented sister Cami and brother-in-law Jer designed these birth announcements for the twins. Cami made the tutus and took the pictures and Jer used his computer skills to design the announcements. I think they did an awesome job!, of course they ARE so cute because we make cute babies! Thanks again Cami & Jer!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some pics of our three beautiful girls!

Sydnee loves to go to "Jump on it" She has been there three times in the past few weeks! She has been such a good big sister to the twins. We try and make sure we make special time just for her. Things get kind of crazy with the twins but she has had Sloan & I to herself for so long, we want to make sure that she feels special.

Here are some pictures of our cute twiners! They look exactly alike except Kilee is about a pound smaller than Aubree, so we can tell by their size who's who, but just to be safe Aubree wears a purple bow and Kilee wears a pink one!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Aubree & Kilee are home!!!!!!!

Aubree and Kilee came home yesterday! Although we are happy that our whole family is together under one roof, I didn't get much sleep last night! I guess we need to get used to the fact that we will be sleep deprived from now on!